Deformation classes of invertible field theories and the Freed--Hopkins conjecture, preprint,
The geometric cobordism hypothesis, with D. Pavlov, preprint,
Extended field theories are local and have classifying spaces, with D. Pavlov, preprint
Twisted differential KO theory, with H. Sati, preprint
Cobordisms of global quotient orbifolds and an equivariant Pontrjagin-Thom construction, preprint,
Parametrized geometric cobordism and smooth Thom stacks, with H. Sati, preprint,
Ramond-Ramond fields and twisted differential K-theory, with H. Sati, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 22 (2022)
Differential KO theory: Constructions, computations and applications, with H. Sati, Advances in Math, 384 (2021) 107671
Differential cohomotopy versus differential cohomology for M-theory and differential lifts of Postnikov towers, with H. Sati, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 165 (2021) 104203
Twisted differential generalized cohomology theories and their Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence, with H. Sati, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 19-6 (2019), 2899-2960.
Higher-twisted periodic smooth Deligne cohomology, with H. Sati, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 21-1 (2019), 129-159.
Primary operations in differential cohomology, with H. Sati, Advances in Math, 335 (2018), 519-562.
Twisted smooth Deligne cohomology, with H. Sati, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 53-3 (2018), 445-466.
Spectral sequences in smooth generalized cohomology, with H. Sati, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 17-4 (2017), 2357-2412.
Massey products in differential cohomology via stacks, with H. Sati, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 13-1 (2017), 1-55.